Guava Jelly – Processing Writing

Guava jelly processing flowchart: Buying ripe guavas from market – Sorting and removing the rotten once, if any – Cleaning with fresh water – Cutting into pieces – Boiling and crushing – Passing through a sieve to separate seeds – Mixing with sugar and syrup – Boiling again to make it thick – Cooling – … Read more

Bread Making – Processing Writing

Use the following flowchart write a paragraph on how to make bread. Bread making process flow chart: [ Flour, salt, yeast and water – Weighing – Mixed – Dough prepared – Cut into required pieces – Rolled and shaped – Backed for 20 to 30 minutes – Loaves – Sliced – Wrapped in papers – … Read more

How Newspapers are Published – Process Writing

Use the following flowchart to write a paragraph on how newspapers are published. Newspaper production process chart: Press reporters collect news – Press photographers take pictures – News sorted and edited – Types set in machines – Paper rolls inserted – News printed – Folded and cut – newspaper ready for distribution – delivered home … Read more

Water Cycle – Processing Writing

Write a paragraph within 100 words on the water cycle, using the following follow chart: [ Water evaporated from the sea, lake, and other water bodies – Vapour becomes light and rises upward – Vapour comes into contact with cold atmosphere and condensed – Clouds formed – Comes too heavy to hold water drops – … Read more

Rubber Processing Paragraph Writing

Study the following flowchart and then write a paragraph in about 120 words on how rubber is processed. Rubber processing Flow Chart: Rubber trees are tapped – Latex (milk-white liquid) collected from rubber plants – Collection sent to the factory in containers – Latex treated with chemicals to get rubber slabs – Pressed with rollers … Read more

Orange Juice – Processing Writing

Use the following flowchart to write a paragraph within 100 words on how to prepare orange juice at home. Orange Juice Processing Hints: Buying oranges from the market – Collecting necessary items like juicer and strainer – Sorting and removing rotten ones, if any – Cleaning – Peeling – Removing the seeds – Putting in … Read more

School Magazine – Processing Writing

Using the following flowchart write a paragraph on how school magazines are published. [ Flowchart: school magazine committee formed – notice for manuscripts – manuscripts collected from students and teachers – thoroughly screened, necessary additions, alternations, omissions – preparing a raft draft of the magazine – sending the draft to the press for printing – … Read more

Tomato Jelly – Processing Writing [Easy Words]

With the help of the following flowchart write a paragraph in English describing how ‘Tomato Jelly’ is prepared at home. Process of making Tomato Jelly or Tomato Sauce flowchart: [Ripe tomatoes bought from market – Sorting and removing the rotten ones, if any – Cleaning the selected ones with water – Smashing – Juice extracting … Read more

Mixed Salad – Processing Writing

Study the following flowchart and write (within 100 words) a paragraph in English describing how mixed salad is prepared at home. [ Collecting materials like cucumber, onion, tomato, mint leaves, green chillies, lemon, salt, and pepper – peeling and slicing cucumber – slicing onions and tomatoes – chopping mint leaves –  mixing green chillies – … Read more
