Safe Drinking Water – Notice Writing

Suppose you are the secretary of the eco-club of your school. Now write a notice for the students on Safe Drinking Water to make them conscious of the problems of drinking water.



Safe Drinking Water

Ref. No…                  Date…

It is hereby notified that the eco-club of our school has decided to start a campaign entitled “Safe Drinking Water” on coming 4th April at our school premises. The main purpose of this program is to make the students conscious about the problems of drinking water. The program will be started at 10 a.m. and it will be inaugurated by the headmaster of our school. All the students of our school are requested to attend the program positively.

All of you are aware that water is the source and substance of life in our planet. We require water as a basic and vital need to keep ourselves alive. We must always use pure water for drinking. So we should keep our drinking water safe from impurities. Impure water carries germs and spreads diseases like typhoid, jaundice, diarrhea, etc. In India, finding pure drinking water for all is a great problem. It is a matter of hope however that UNICEF has taken up a programme to provide safe drinking water for every Indian.

We should collect water from safe sources like tube Wells and boil it before drinking. Drinking water should be kept in clean containers with lids. All of our students are urged to maintain these very simple measures at home to ensure safe drinking water for themselves and their families.

Countersigned by



XYZ School




                                                                                           XYZ School

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