Write A Letter To Your Friend Describing Your Visit To A Village Fair.

Write A Letter To Your Friend Describing A Fair You Have Recently Visited.

Your address _______

Date __/__/____

Sub: Village Fair Letter

My dear friend,

I hope you are well by the grace of God. I am fine too. I have just come back from my maternal uncle’s house and do not get mental peace unless I tell of what I experienced there.

It is all about a village fair. You know my maternal uncle’s house is in a village. Every year the fair is held on the occasion of New Year. But I visited this fair for the first time. I went to the fair with my maternal uncle and my cousins. The fair sat in an open field on the outskirts of the village.

There were many stalls of various things in the fairground. Some of the stalls were open to the sky and some were roofed with tripals. People crowded mostly in the stalls selling masks, plastic flutes, and sweets like jilibis. A merry-go-round in the middle of the fair was the greatest attraction to the village boys and girls.

The fair ran for five days. This is a vast fair and people of different religions come here from all over the locality for enjoyment. All-pervading peace and amity prevailed there. I bought many things including one for you which I am not going to disclose now.

No more now. More when you meet. Convey my regards to your parents and love to the youngers.

Your loving friend,

Your name

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