Letter to Friend About the Benefits of Early Rising

Write A Letter to Your Friend Telling Him About the Importance of Early Rising.

Your Address _______

Date __/__/____

Subject: Importance of early rising

My dear friend,

Your letter is just to hand. In your letter, you have asked me to tell you about the importance of early rising. Well, here is my explanation.

Early rising is a very good habit. If we rise early we can see the sunrise. We can breathe the pure morning air and enjoy the beauty of nature. if you get up early in the morning, you will get a lot of time to do your lessons. You have no need to hurry over any part of your lessons. In the morning the brain remains cool. Even now-a-days every doctor advises early rising.

Early rising makes our body and mind fit and strong. An early riser finds time to take physical exercise in the face morning air, and this physical exercise makes him healthy and you know health is wealth. Always remember the proverb

“Early to bed and early to rise

Makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.”

and try to practice early rising. Everybody should rise early in the morning.

I hope that you will get up early in the morning for your betterment. No more today. More when we meet. With love to you and best regards to your parents.

Your loving friend,

Your name

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